People behind the Application

People behind the Application
People behind the Application
People behind the Application
People behind the Application
People behind the Application

English VFR Communication

People behind the application

The application “English VFR Communication” represents a result of many years of work – recording of communication dialogues during the Flying Revue flight expeditions to many parts of the world, recording and editing expedition videos, photographing during the flight expeditions, preparation of an English VFR Communication textbook, programming the various functionalities of the application, creation of the exemplary communication recordings, programming flight animations, preparing the tests for etc. All of this was made possible by a team of enthusiastic aviation and IT professionals. The key members of the team were:

Martina Skálová – controller FIC Praha Information at Air Traffic Control of Czech Republic

Martina was extremely helpful during the recording of the exemplary communications containing communication dialogues with FIC Information service. Martina also helped to fine tune some of the dialogues so that they would be both, correct and realistic. As the only representative of the fair sex Martina contributed to making the application closer to reality by lending us her voice as many controllers actually are women. You can hear Martina´s voice in all the communications related to FIC Information services and traffic at uncontrolled airports.

Martina Skalova

Tomáš Koller - TWR/APP Controller at Air Traffic Control of the Czech Republic

Also Tomáš showed a friendly enthusiasm when he was approached with a request for recording the exemplary communications. You can therefore hear Tomáš´s voice in all the exemplary communications related to VFR flights in controlled airspace and at controlled airports.

Tomas Koller

Dmitrij Jurin – head of IT company Infonia

Dmitrij, whose company developed and maintains Flying Revue website is the main driver behind the technological concept of the application English VFR Communication. Dmitrij coordinated all the IT development and did part of the programming himself.

Dmitrij Jurin

Pavel Jirsa – chief programmer at Infonia IT company

Pavel focused on the programming of all the main parts of the application – animations, real communication recordings, knowledge tests, exemplary recordings etc. It was interesting to see that though Pavel is not a pilot himself, towards the end of his work on the application he became highly knowledgeable of all the VFR communication rules and practices.

Pavel Jirsa

Jožo Skácal – Flying Revue graphic designer

Jožo is the chief graphic designer for the aviation magazine Flying Revue as well as for all other products developed in the Flying Revue workshop – textbooks, posters, logos etc. Jožo created the graphic design for the application English VFR Communication. With his help the application is pleasant to work with and easy to navigate through.

Jozo Skacal

Jindřich Ilem – video editor Flying Revue

Jindřich processes hours of our flight expedition videos so that our website visitors can enjoy the best parts of the expedition flights in a time space of several minutes. Some of these videos are also used in this application. Jindřich put a lot of work into editing the real communication recordings out of the many hours of recordings made during our expedition flights. The result of this work represents a backbone of most of the main parts of this application.

Jindřich Ilem

Jiří Pruša – expedition pilot Flying Revue

Jiří is the author of the application contents and concept. He wrote all the explanatory texts and made most of the instruction videos. As the Flying Revue expedition pilot, he recorded the VFR communication dialogues while flying over many countries of the world. This application uses also many of his video and audio recordings.

Jiri Prusa
English VFR Communication > People behind the Application